10 min reading time
I wish I had an easy answer, definitive resource, or job for them. I don’t. But I do have a collection of insights from members of the Medical Devices Group about this question, starting with mine: Few, if any, medical device recruiters find it worthwhile to recruit for entry-level talent. It’s a simple matter of supply and demand, and the economics of recruiting. I believe your best bets for a medical device sales job as an entry-level person (or career changer) are: Additional resourcesMedDev Recruiter: “I give up” Will docs see your reps? Is a certification as a Registered Medical Sales Representative needed to qualify for medical sales positions? Advice on a commission only med device sales job: anyone done this? Is it worth it? VP-level medical device sales leader needed What is considered an acceptable ramp up period for a new sales person in your industry? Describe a recommended 30, 60, 90-day action plan. How does a laid off pharma rep break into medical device sales As a manufacturer, which sales channels do you utilize to sell your medical devices? Which is better: 1099 or W2 your sales team? Startup Medical Device Companies: What is more cost effective for developing sales once a company gains approval (CE Mark/FDA)… hire internal sales team or work through distributors? Medical Device Sales Reps – what are they worth? Does anyone else see the evolution of the medical device sales role becoming more clinically inclined or is it just me? Is staying employed as a Device Rep worth the fight anymore? Medical Device Sales Reps: Will you work just on commission?
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