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He’s a busy guy but we finally worked out a date for a live webinar entitled How to Outperform Your Competition Online. It’s free. You can attend live on July 9 or get the slides and replay for later viewing. Click here to join us. I was blown away.My “day job” is providing medical device marketing strategy and communication advice for medical device manufacturers and suppliers. After watching Todd’s 13-minute video below, I’m inspired to fundamentally change the way I design medical device websites. This is coming from someone who designs medical device websites for a living(!) – and I completely buy-in to what Todd teaches. But here’s the problem.Todd’s (and now, my) advice is straight-forward and clear. But few companies will take it. Too hard? No. Too expensive? No. Fear. Fear is why they won’t take Todd’s advice. It’s different than before. They will need to get approvals. They don’t know if their boss will go for it. I invite you. See it, then decide for yourself.If I could (figuratively) “shake you by the shoulders,” I would and say, “Please listen to this guy. He knows what he’s talking about.” (I’m no slouch, either.) Click here. Join us live on July 9 or – if you’re reading this after July 9, 2019 – the video is ready and waiting for you on the other side of this link. To my medical device marketing and sales friends, I can’t invite you more ardently. See you in two weeks! 😄 🎤 Mic drop?Subscribers came armed with syringes and knives to last week’s debate, “Should you be forced to vaccinate?“ (I weathered a few personal attacks as well.) One subscriber challenged,
Intrigued, I got what I believe is the definitive answer from a friend, a well-known Medical Director of Epidemiology from a major health system. Emphasis and colors are mine. Detractors weren’t completely mollified but I was. Do you have anything to add to the conversation? Here’s the link. Introducing Laura NoblesWe introduced a new concept at 10x this year called “Fast Rounds.” Fast Rounds recognize each guest is an expert – even if we don’t have time to feature each as a speaker. I spent five minutes with Laura Nobles, Founder and CEO of Nobles Communication, a medical device public relations firm. Related: Make sure your public relations has a point! Thank you for being part of our Medical Devices Group community!Please Make it a great week. Joe Hage P.S. 10x in London? Marked as spam