Donna Cusano
Builds Leadership Positions through Marketing + Communications | Healthcare + Tech | B2B/B2B2C | Editor & Writer
January 2014
Very dependent on tears being an accurate gauge of blood glucose--beside the workability of the technology as a real-time alert visible on the lens, not just on the smartphone. What do you see as its potential?
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As originally asked by Eddie Chen. I've just begun at a Medical Device startup that is shifting its focus from the acute care hospital market to the nursing home and home consumer market. I was hoping to get some advice concerning the marketing, sale...
As originally asked by Simon Sikorski, M.D. How effectively do you prove to doctors that your medical device can improve clinical outcomes, make them more efficient... and get them more money? Have you been in a meeting with a doctor and he tells you...
How can medical device technology companies ensure market share while meeting customer expectations?
As originally asked by Manasi Patwardhan. Medical technology companies face a challenge. In order to be competitive, they need to develop products with the right balance between quality, function and cost while simultaneously maintaining a focus on t...
As originally asked by
As originally asked by Scott Pells. Scott Pells Head of Practice at Carter Schwartz Only 16% of all sales delivered through NHS supply chain in 2010 were from SMEs. This figure rose to 29%* in 2012, so are there really any barriers to entry for small...