< 1 min reading time
If there were ever a question worth asking the worldwide group, this is it. Laura Velez wrote me from Afghanistan, saying, “I am working as Biomedical Engineer for Doctors Without Borders. This NGO is a medical humanitarian organization which works all around the world to help in emergencies caused by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters, and exclusion from healthcare. We face so many problems. We have trouble getting our medical equipment maintained and calibrated, getting spare parts, and training people to use the equipment. Would you ask the group for ideas how we might solve these problems? I hope maybe they have advice how to find trustable suppliers of maintenance and spare parts.” Can we help Laura? Do you have any advice, contacts, or ways to help Doctors Without Borders? ++++++++++ Discussions This Week: 5 New 510k Guidance Docs You Should Read 4.5-million patient records compromised through an unsecured medical device Gartner: Mobile monitoring in “trough of disillusionment” Will allowing patients access to EHRs pose a security risk? Your biggest medical device horror story? ++++++++++ Make it a great week. Joe Hage Marked as spam