< 1 min reading time
As originally asked by William (Bill) Hulbig. Steve Wood John Strobel William (Bill) Hulbig Robert Henslee • @Bill – EXTREME IMPORTANT – I once was introduced to an Angel who stroked a check for our project the same day we met. Talking about miracles – His ONLY real requirement – Keep our mouth shut. William (Bill) Hulbig • Robert, curious, what was his background? Robert Henslee • He was a true Angel in the insurance industry – “Sold insurance to teachers” – Founder of the insurance company. The start-up was [http://www.educationworld.com/|leo://plh/http%3A*3*3www%2Eeducationworld%2Ecom*3/20Nd?_t=tracking_disc] check was for $250,000 written minutes after pitched on the spot. He was a referral by an unknown board member. Changed my life and to this day I’ll never forget the experience. Bill this was an Anonymous Introduction – Like I said his only requirement – Remaining Anonymous.and keeping the funding event confidential. At the time I was an 21 year old software engineer working for a group of men who had just an “idea”. Then I truly understood the term “Angel” William (Bill) Hulbig • I knew it Robert! Had to be a CEO, anonymity counts before and after the deal when it comes to CEOs and super-angels. Too bad no one else is reading this. Almost nobody get’s it. Joerg Schulze-Clewing I do get some spam via LinkedIn but it is not nearly enough to warrant evasive measures or nifty filtering, like I had to on Usenet for a while. William (Bill) Hulbig Joerg Schulze-Clewing William (Bill) Hulbig Christina Zhao William (Bill) Hulbig Todd Staples, MBA Joe Hage If I could say “Bill Hulbig told me to call,” that would be valuable, yes. Marked as spam