< 1 min reading time
As originally asked by Dean E. Patrick Henry Jacob Rowe Tom Manos Mary Hollner Dean E. Thank you all for you time & thoughts. Dean Greg Paino Andrew Merkle Tom Thomason Janice Cowan Greg Paino John W. Koon Dean E. Dean Todd Staples, MBA I have nothing against folks trying to make a living and providing value to their customers, I am simply expressing my own frustration from a manufacturer’s view as to the challenges around building a solid indirect channel that delivers consistently. Bill Smith Kevin P. Jones Todd Staples, MBA Tom Manos Regards, Bill Smith Ryan Diehl Todd Staples, MBA The real question in my mind is HOW do small start up manufacturers get everything they NEED, like CRM, a structured sales process, vendor credentialing costs covered, expenses including gas – covered, sales management and training program that includes certification, yet still deploy a dedicated sales force on commission only basis? This is the model that will change how small start ups launch, and it is already in the building phases now. Marked as spam