3 min reading time
I had been trying to get a packaging expert on the 10x stage for three years because we’d never covered it in depth as a group. It was worth the wait. Adept Packaging sent 35+ year veteran Jan Gates to speak and she did not disappoint. This video is for anyone who makes a medical device because (I did not know this): Standards 11067-1 and -2 put packaging on the same level as product. Jan explained,
11607 was revised this year to include human factors and use. They changed critical process parameters. In fact,
If you package anything and don’t know what that means, spend the time on the video. And if you’re not certain your engineers (hopefully you have a packaging engineer?) understand all the changes, send the presentation to them. P.S. I checked with Jan before publishing today and, yes, you can email her directly with questions at Jan.Gates@AdeptPackaging.com. Thank you, Jan. A great service for our group members. 10x London is a go!Here’s what we know so far (subject to change). Date: All day, Monday, February 17, 2020. We’ll be in this amazing room! £100 savings special offer! (Exclusively for MedicalDevicesGroup.net subscribers) I’m really happy this is coming together. There are so many European group members I’ve yet to meet in person. For the 10x backstory, see medgroup.biz/backstory. Fast Round about Targeting Hospital CustomersAt 10x, Fast Rounds recognize each guest is an expert – even if we don’t have time to feature each as a speaker. I spent time with Katie Vahle, Chief Commercial Officer for healthcare marketing platform Carvoyance. You’ll want to talk with her if you seek a better way to start conversations with hospitals and doctors. Click here if you’d like to be considered as a future Fast Round participant. Thank you for being part of our Medical Devices Group community!Please Make it a great week. Joe Hage P.S. You must subscribe to this newsletter to qualify for the £100 savings for 10x London. First five full-day registrants only. Marked as spam
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