< 1 min reading time
So, ISO 14971:2007 is officially going into a revision as deliberated in the ISO TC 210 Delft meeting today. Now the work begins!! source: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2070960/2070960-6204883472100651009 Marked as spam
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Rob Packard
Looking forward to seeing how the team is able to develop a consensus and improve the standard.
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Arthur Brandwood
The new MDR contains language that seems to depart from the current "reduce all risks at any cost" approach in the Z Annexes. Especially in the General Safety and Performance Requirements (Chapter I).
@Marcello Antunes - do you believe this will allow more sense to prevail in updating the standard and keep the very pragmatic approach already embodied in the current version? See http://brandwoodbiomedical.com/almost-there-final-text-of-european-medical-device-regulation-is-published/ for some discussion of this. Marked as spam
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Marcelo Antunes
Arthur, yes, I think the language in the new regulations are far more in line with historical and current risk management practices. Revised requirementa and new guidance in ISO 14971 and ISO TR 24971 will male this even more clear.
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