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Julie Omohundro
Tautvydas, different regulatory jurisdictions have different classification schemes. Are you talking about EU (MDD or MDR?) or some other jurisdiction?
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Tautvydas Kazlauskas
Thank you kindly for replying.
Julie O. im interested in CE mark certification in EU. Marc Schoenmakers Yes, it does. I also thought that it should be 3, but since there are no strict boundries between IIb & III, i wanted to make sure. Also, don't know how true its is, but i've heard that it can even depend on specific Notified Body, some would agree with IIb, others - only with III. Marked as spam
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Barry Fitch
Key to understand whether MDD or MDr. You will need to fully document your rationale and and consider all rules against the intended purpose and consider the materials. All NBs will want to see how you arrived at the classification. Agree that if remains and is wholly absorbed is likely to be Class III
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Cuitlahuac Velazquez
If you're not sure, you can use the keyword directory in the PRODUCT CODE CLASSIFICATION DATABASE. In most cases this database will identify the classification regulation in the CFR.
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You will need to identify the intended use, the whether or not it is sterile, if it will be used in conjunction with another device (e.g. combo product) and which global regulatory agency you need to comply with.
To start with, you can try the FDA Product Code Builder which will help get you headed in the right direction. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ora/pcb/index.cfm Marked as spam
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Michael Tar
Since you seem to be asking about classification in Europe, I would refer you to my colleague Adrian Keene. He’s on LinkedIn or you can email him at akeene@namsa.com. . Biom’Up’s Hemoblast Bellows is a Class III device so yours is probably also Class III. Marked as spam
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Robert Packard
There is a guidance document for the EU device classification that should be used: MEDDEV 2.4/1 rev 9. Here’s a hyperlink: http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/10337/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/native Marked as spam