< 1 min reading time
I am reading the MDR again and am trying to get deeper knowledge. If an organization is transitioning to MDR and has class IIa/b devices on the market, how might they get around the requirement of clinical studies or equivalence? Marked as spam
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Michelle Lott , RAC
Hi Maggie. Unfortunately this is not an easy answer. I was at training on MDR conducted by a large Notified Body and even they could not answer the question directly. There were a LOT of “I don’t know” and “we don’t know because the competent authority doesn’t knows.” I know some companies are planning to do some level of small clinical trial to augment their post market surveillance data. I would encourage you to renew your MDD certificate before the May 2020 deadline so you can maximize the transition timeline for conversion to MDR. This will give you runway as industry, Notified Bodies, and Competent Authorities figure out together. Marked as spam
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Maggie Holland
Thanks Michelle. What additionally would be required for an existing Class IIa/b or even a Class III device under the MDD transitioning to the MDR that has ben on the market for years? Marked as spam
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Robert Packard
Hi Maggie, Marked as spam
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Christine Zomorodian
Rob, when saying "Many companies have received major NC in the past two years indicating that the equivalence justification was not sufficient", I assume that you are referring to their CERs being oriented to the MEDDEV 2.7.1 Rev 3 rather than the Rev 4? Marked as spam