3 min reading time
Barring the completely unforeseen, the medical device tax will be permanently repealed before Christmas 2019. There was no debate. I think of an omnibus bill as a “kitchen sink” approach to ‘everything we didn’t have time to address properly’ and a simple yes or no with so much pork in there that there’s something for everyone – so everyone says yes. DiMino, who designs, engineers, and manufactures electronic, therapeutic, and diagnostic med devices, agreed. “That’s a good summary. They want to avoid the shutdown going into Christmas, like last time. This spending resolution, with the Med Dev repeal and lots of pork-barrel issues, should be a quick and nearly unanimous vote. We avoid debate and, if not for the omnibus spending urgency, who knows what would have happened.” From Forbes,
So there. I just let out an audible sigh. It’s nice to be the bearer of good news for a change! It’s been eight weeks. Did you miss me?I wrote my 390th weekly message in October, explaining I believe we now need more than newsletters and discussion groups, reminding everyone they can search more than 1,000 discussions in our archives. Technology now lets me “just chat” with subscribers to MDG Premium, a modestly priced service where I can join your team – virtually, and give you direct access to my network, resources, and to experts I personally use and recommend. I changed the entire look of the MedicalDevicesGroup.net homepage to emphasize it. But this one screen shot tells you all you need to know. I warmly invite you to give it a try with this link that entitles you to a free week’s trial and a discounted price. 10x London agenda set!Want a copy of the most up-to-date agenda? Click here and a PDF will download for you.
I answer that candidly, right here. Thank you for being part of our Medical Devices Group community!Please Make it a great week. Joe Hage P.S. Check out the new MedicalDevicesGroup.net homepage! Tell me what you think. Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
A Medical Devices Group subscriber wrote me, I've been receiving your e-mails for several years now and I generally find them to be interesting, useful, and often humorous. I've never responded before, but I was really put off by this e-mail about the device tax repeal. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but I found your message to be incredibly cynical. First, I find it sad that so many people in the medical device industry fight and rage against the tax while never mounting any serious reason for the fight except not wanting to pay money out of their pocket. Yes, I'm familiar with many arguments that have been made against the tax, but none address the root issue that our current health care system is unsustainable and needs to be overhauled. Bringing more people into the healthcare system will result in greater device usage, and that expenditure needs to be paid by someone. Why can't the industry be part of the solution instead of just an entrenched enemy of change? If we don't become better stewards of the healthcare system, greater and more disruptive changes will likely be forced upon us. I don't know of any jobs that have been lost because of this tax (even the ones that were publicly declared to be due to the tax) that weren't truly because of some other underlying problem in a particular company or industry segment. So back to the original point of your message - the tax bill is being repealed - but what are we celebrating, exactly? Because the corporations are 2.3% richer? The second thing that I found so discouraging about your message was the characterization of the omnibus bill that the tax repeal was a part of. Actually, its not the characterization itself (which I agree with), but I just don't see anything to celebrate in this kind of legislative act. This is the worst example of bad governance in which no one really cares for the greater good or prudent use of tax dollars as long as they get their piece of pork. So, in summary, I come away from your message feeling like legislators just slapped a bunch of crap together to fund their pet projects and, oh by the way, we just got out of our tax so yay and screw the taxpayers. That is not exactly a happy holiday message to me. Stepping off my soapbox... Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
I replied, Thank you for writing me. Oftentimes I wonder who’s reading this and did it have any impact at all. I’m certainly glad my previous ones were well received.
In sum, yes, I’m glad the tax is gone. It’s better for the industry, better for innovation, and – would I have preferred reasonable legislators coming to the same conclusion – yes. But yes, I got the outcome I sought, and yes, I celebrate it. Does that sound fair? Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
He simply replied, "Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I do think this is a good debate and happy to let you post/share it on your site but I prefer to remain anonymous." Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Marc Silver, MD Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Lev Melinyshyn Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Arthur A. Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Glenn Jacobs Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Arthur A. Marked as spam
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Glenn Jacobs Marked as spam
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Michael Kren Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Glenn Jacobs Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Michael Kren Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Anthony Leo Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Lev Melinyshyn Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Michael Kren Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Michael Kren Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Arthur A. Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Arthur A. Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Michael Kren Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Arthur A. Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Michael Kren Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
David Schneider Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Joe Hage Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
David Schneider Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Arthur A. Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Marissa Marsala Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Marissa Marsala Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Marissa Marsala Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Kristin B. Charlton Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Charles Bue Marked as spam
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Joe Hage
Kristin B. Charlton Marked as spam