I heard it again last week: Your medtech initiative is too small for venture capitalists if it's not at least a $500-million idea. A four-minute video at Thomas Weldon, Chairman and Managing Director of Accuitive Medical...
Hello everyone,First, thank you for accepting me in your group.Can sterile medical devices be re-sterilized and used as new and according to standards/lows if they expired (as a product) but haven't been used? Re-packaging is also required?Thank you....
An independent reviewer is required for Design Reviewes. The problem in small start-up companies is that everyone is involved in the process and no one is really independent, on the other hand an external consultant may be very expensive for those co...
Joe Hage: Hi, it’s Joe. I’m here with Thomas Weldon. He is the Chairman and Managing Director of Accuitive Medical Ventures venture fund and we were talking in the hall at the Innovation in Medtech Conference in Dublin here in April 2016. And Thomas...
Joe Hage: Hi, this is Joe, I’m here with Klaus Stöckemann. He is the co-founder of Peppermint Venture Partners and he was telling us today about digital health and, in particular, a company that focuses on lazy eye that’s based out of Germany that’s...
Was talking with a Wharton classmate of mine. Her "day job" is project management but she has a non-profit organization to raise awareness of diabetes on the side. She's considering "coming out" as a Type I Diabetic but she's afraid it will carry a s...
As leader of the community, I made a difficult but necessary decision to keep our group running smoothly in light of the changes to LinkedIn's group platform. BACKGROUND: LinkedIn now allows any group member to post anything they want, without modera...
Do you control design changes differently during pre-transfer segment of design and development project, during design transfer and after product release?All changes must be reviewed and approved, but how much control is necessary prior to verificati...
Hi,I wonder if there is someone in here who knows of a standard which includes a symbol that conveys "reclosable packaging"? I have only seen such symbols on food containers, but do you know or think it would be possible also on a medical device cont...
This particular question seems to be a common nonconformity during audits. There are three reasons for this:the question is on several regulatory checklists for certification bodies,training on regulatory requirements is seldom provided to design eng...