4 min reading time
In layman’s terms, post-market data means regulators want to know how your market is doing in the marketplace. Christine Zomorodian and Anne Leijsen gave an easy-to-follow talk about it at the 10x Medical Device Conference in October, 2018. Before we discuss their talk, I need to thank our sponsors for next month’s 10x Medical Device Conference because their sponsorship provides the margin I need to lower the price to just $695 for students, the unemployed, and select start ups. Thank you to: Christine and Anne’s 22-minute video
A few key takeaways:
A lasting impression. In some concluding remarks, Christine hit upon something you’d be wise to consider. I copy it here, verbatim:
+++ Three weeks ’til 10x – $695 pricing (if you qualify)*Here’s the countdown-to-10x video clip of the week. We throw these in between sessions to keep it fun. Thank you for being part of our Medical Devices Group community!Make it a great week. Joe Hage P.S. Please Marked as spam