< 1 min reading time
Many recently published studies showed that, thanks to telemonitoring, the number of exacerbations, hospitalizations and emergency department visits was reduced by 38 to 58% in COPD patients. Moreover, in case of hospitalization the number of hospitalization days was halved, while life quality (assessed using the Chronic Respiratory questionnaire) improved by 28%. source: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/78665/78665-6192896173657903106 Marked as spam
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freddy reyskens
I thought most of the members could be interested in it because of the added value for their devices
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Kiran C Shetty
Hi Freddy, can you site on this post or direct message me a few of the most recent articles you reference? Thanks!
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Hi Freddy We are trying to get our app for diabetes management taken up by the NHS -we don't have studies published yet re the impact on control etc but are confident that we should see a similar improvements as per the papers you mentioned in COPD. Could you provide the references for these papers please?
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Nicolas Gay
Thank you for the data. I worked in the last years on a communicant innovative mesh nebulizer and I managed the development of the real time device (combining nebulizer and spirometer), the smartphone apps and the web plateform. I was waiting for feedbacks and figures like this to know the real impact of those innovative products. Thanks!
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Hi Freddy, publication in BMJ 2013;347:f6070 showed no reduction in hospital admission, controlled trial, multicenter etc. Well, the point is, not the device creates the value , the process and the early intervention made the change, this was shown is other trials. Interesting discussion.
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Mope Alo (Chartered Marketer)
Hi, within the stoma care world, many are using tailored telemed to support patients in the community and some data have shown results including decrease in hospital admission, decrease in use on some products thereby saving the CCG/Healthboard money. I will need to add that our data has yet to be published
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freddy reyskens
Please send me your email, so I can send you the requested
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Mope Alo (Chartered Marketer)
British Journal of Nursing, 2014, Vol 23, No 22
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Kiran C Shetty
Interesting article just published a few days ago:
http://www.resmed.com/us/en/consumer/newsandinformation/news-releases/2016/results-from-worlds-largest-study-on-sleep-apnea-and-digital-connected-care.html.html Marked as spam