< 1 min reading time
Hi all, I’m an M.S./B.S. engineering student @ Carnegie Mellon University, and I’ve been doing research projects using VR for applications in prosthesis. I’m interested to hear where people think VR/AR may fall in the future of healthcare? Opinions welcome from professionals of all experience levels and job functions! source: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/78665/78665-6337073982478573570 Marked as spam
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Vincent Suzara
Not quite AR/VR but this AI article might be interesting:
https://www.inc.com/rhett-power/as-physician-shortage-grows-healthcare-embraces-ai-technology.html Since untethered medical devices (from pills you swallow to micro subs that swim inside you delivering drugs and doing surgery) do their jobs either (1) autonomously or (2) controlled in real-time with a largely rendered environment (unless it packs a camera), our take is that AR will provide the interface between the device and health care provider - who can be standing over you, in the next room or around the globe. BTW, I see that you are interested in myo-electric therapies. We will soon have an issued patent on implants that can, amongst other things, stimulate nerve tissue. Good luck in your work. Marked as spam
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You may be interested to watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIEXAlN_QF4
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Dona Murphey
Hi Henry! I am a neuroscientist / neurologist. I see huge potential for VR in psychiatric disorders.
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Remote procedures have been performed since 2001. I imagine that VR will play a huge role in making these procedures safer and more effective moving forward. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/09/0919_robotsurgery.html
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λκ· ν
I live in Korea, where AR / VR seems to be used primarily in rehabilitation medicine. There was news that he gave positive feedback to recovery training at home, and I know there are some startups in South korea.
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λκ· ν
It might seem inconvenient to see it in Korean, but - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NfK1XT1FS0
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Hi Henry! Leica Microsystems already use AR in surgical microscopes for neurosurgery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x01wTdKir4
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Vincent Suzara
Dr. David L. Katz just posted this article which seems to hit the nail on the head: "Is It Time for a New Medical Specialty? The Medical Virtualist."
https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2664528?utm_term=112717&utm_content=buffer59060&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=buffer Marked as spam