How to Prepare for an FDA Pre-Submission
(Guests paid $325 for the same content)
David Amor and Jon Speer's advice on 510(k) submissions are invaluable. For just $89 (a ridiculously low $30 an hour for their time), you can access the materials and share them with your team members.
Srsly, if a 510(k) is even in your periphery, access this presentation. I don't believe in the "hard sell" but I strongly believe in the quality of this content.
Note: Once you purchase, you'll be able to return to your unique link as often as you like. So you can start now, finish later, and return for refreshers, as needed.
In my opinion, and while the entire presentation is great, I think you'll get the most value out of their step-by-step case study example of the pre-sub process.
Many thanks to David and Jon for sharing their time and talents with the group.
>> Forward this link to colleagues who would value this content.