< 1 min reading time
Hi, I have some doubts about conformity assessment of IIa MD. We apply Annex II with exclusion of section 4. When we launch a new MD or when we make any substantial change, we always undergo an approval process with our NB. Recently, I have come across a manufacturer of IIa MD who claims that they launch their products without prior NB approval provided that the given MD is within the scope of the Full Quality Assurance certificate already issued, i.e., if the certificate was issued, let’s say, for catheters and they have developed a new catheter model, they can CE-mark the product and freely market it.
I went through the MDD several times and it seems that it depends on the interpretation of your NB. Do you agree? Thanks in advance for the discussion. Marked as spam
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Robert Packard
Dear Jana, Marked as spam
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Jana Černá
Dear Robert, Thanks. Marked as spam