< 1 min reading time
As originally asked by Jim Bloedau. Which tablet device is you organization most likely to adopt: Microsoft Surface, iPad Mini or the leading answer being NEITHER thus far? This poll and others that show at least 62% of physician adopting the iPad and half of them reporting it at the point of care forget about IP 65 and IEC 60601 which deal with infection control and electrical safety of equipment used in the clinical setting. Shouldn’t, What about the patient’s safety? be the more appropriate question? Do you think that this a more immediate discussion than how the FCC will regulate medical apps on mobile tech? Kurt Periolat John Minarovich Myra Donnelley Perry Mykleby Re: the physical risk, a number of organizations now equip their sales forces with iPads (not to mention smartphones), and these routinely go into patient care areas without question (although maybe it should be questioned.) Some facilities have “no-transmit” zones in patient care areas, but most I’ve seen aren’t picky….yet. Kurt Periolat Ken Kasper John Minarovich Jerry Robinson How good is good enough? Apple is a relatively controlling ecosystem for mHealth…Android and the host of devices is much more complex and devious… It’s a good topic… Jim Bloedau BSMT, RRT, CPHIMS Gabriel Barbat Marked as spam